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Log your family's medical history, which can be an indicator of potential health risks, also log and monitor your cholesterol, blood pressure, medications, etc.

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Personal Medical Records & Family Health History Saves Lives.

This idea began due to one of my brothers getting prostate cancer in 1998.My father died from lung cancer and other complications. Since the concept of the ” My Diary For Life “4 of my brothers has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and 1 has been diagnosed with prostate cancerand colon cancer. My daugther with scoliosis and my wife in 2007 was diagnosed with breast cancer. All their illnesses were detected early thanks to regular screening and they are all doing fine.

Knowing your personal health information and family medical history and staying on track with your next checkup can really improve your treatment options or even save your life. This concept has worked for me and my loved ones, let it work for you and your love ones.

Personal Medical Records

Personal health information should have a wide variety of information. This information will vary with each person and their personal age. However, the more information in your personal health records the better.

A personal medical history should contain all diagnoses given. Any time a patient goes to a doctor, one should record this. Diagnoses and medications should be listed in personal health records.

Personal medical history should begin with basic information. This includes one’s birth date, blood type, and emergency contact. The date of the last physical is also in personal medical history.

Of course all major illnesses and surgeries should be included. The personal medical history is an account of all conditions. Results and dates of illness are recorded in personal health records.

Personal health records are great for keeping track of medicines. The dosages and how long one has taken medications are recorded. Personal medical history will have all allergies to medications.

Chronic diseases and illnesses in a family are recorded in records. This is important information to have in personal medical history. An updated shot record is very important in personal health records.

personal medical history is easy to maintain in our app. There are locations for all kinds of data and test results inside. Patients are benefiting a great deal from this recorded information.

Reasons to Keep Personal Medical Records

Personal medical records are important to keep for many reasons. One reason is when patients visit many doctors for various conditions. This is common as doctors specialize in certain types of medicine.

Doctors use the information in personal medical records they take. They use this information to test for certain medical conditions. Early testing is helpful in diagnosing patients for early treatment.

Personal medical records can be reviewed by all doctors of patients. This lets one doctor see what another doctor has already done. Thus, personal medical records save a lot of treatment time.

Another reason to maintain personal medical records is security. One should always have a record of what medicines they take. This is important when prescribing other medications needed.

The Difference between Doctor Medical Records and My Medical History Records

There is a difference between my medical records and medical history recorded taken by a doctor. A doctor’s medical records contain a lot of beneficial information. This information is vital to a doctor for future review and treatment.

Doctor medical records are highly detailed and informative for review. This includes information about everything discussed in an office. A lot of this information is used to give a whole picture to a doctor.

Medical records contain insurance information and billing data. This is part of how doctors invoice insurance carriers for payment. They also use medical records to bill patients appropriately.

Personal medical history records are detailed, but not as much. Personal medical history records contain basic information on illness. Illness dates are recorded as well as treatment plans by doctors. Personal medical history records have information other doctors use. In emergencies, personal medical history records help treat patients. Personal medical history records are more of a story of one’s health.

The Importance of Family Medical History Records

There are many reasons to maintain a family health history diary. The importance is evident in keeping family members healthy. A lot of family health history is used to monitor potential issues.

Family medical history is helpful with genetic patient information. Medical conditions are now being related to genetics so it is vital. Family health history tells about members that carry a certain gene.

This gene could lead to other family members passing on the condition. These family members could also develop the condition later on. To prepare, a family health records is very important for treatment.

Screening for conditions is used based on family heath history. A doctor may regularly screen for certain medical conditions. This helps in monitoring the onset of conditions for early treatment.

In many cases, early treatments can cease or slow down the condition. This is beneficial as a patient stays healthier much longer. Doctors are always asking for family medical history for this reason.

Psychological well-being is a benefit of a family health history. Having all this information relieves lot of stress for a person. Patients give the info to the doctor and let the professional worry.

Using Family Medical Records to Prevent Disease

The primary focus of keeping complete family medical records is disease prevention. Many diseases run in a family so many members develop the disease. Examples are cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

A full family medical record tells which family members had this. This shows if a condition skips a generation in a family or not. If a parent has a disease, chances are high a child will develop it.

Doctors using a family medical history screen early for prevention. A woman whose mother died of breast cancer may screen in her 20’s. Most breast screening or mammograms do not begin until 35 or 40.

Early screening in heart disease is also recommended for some people. Family medical history that has certain diseases warrants early tests.

More screening abilities are being developed each day with technology. These are used for patients who have flags in family medical history.

Alleviates Complication of Completing Medical History

A medical history is taken prior to meeting a doctor in an office. Every type of doctor asks for this type of medical history data. Doctors use this information to test, diagnose, and treat patients.

Completing a medical history in a doctor office takes time and effort. Individuals struggle trying to remember the complete medical history. As people get older, they often forget their entire medical history.

Young people who visit a doctor for the first time even struggle. These young adults are used to a parent giving this information. However, now grown and on their own it is up to them to remember.

Complete family medical records alleviates a lot of complications. Our app goes wherever your phone goes and can be invaluable for accessing medical records during appointments.